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QRickit QR Code API

Dynamically generate and display QRickit QR Codes

The QRickit QR Code API (web service) allows you to dynamically generate and display QR Codes on your website and other online applications. This API is for educational and small-scale personal and business use only (less than 10,000 requests per day).

QR Code images generated are intended for computer/device screens and home-quality printing (96 dpi only). To generate a high-res QR Code, use the QRickit QR Code Creators, not this API.

If you use this free service, QRickit would be happy if you link to and recommend QRickit to your users, friends and colleagues. You can also follow, share and comment at the QRickit Blog, Facebook and X. If you find QRickit useful, please make a small donation to help QRickit continue to provide this free web service.

More Tips, Photos, Videos at QRickit Blog Follow QRickit on Twitter Like QRickit on Facebook

This free service is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. QRickit and its developers, staff, owners, executives, and partners are not responsible for any loss or damage incurred through the use of this free service. The functionality and/or uninterrupted availability of this free service is not guaranteed. QRickit reserves the right to restrict/reject high volume API requests. QRickit reserves the right to reject API requests, especially in regards to abuse or malicious use.

QR Code images are generated automatically in real-time when a request is made unless an error has occurred (blank or error message is output). No QR Code data or personal info is saved on our servers or any storage device/media but we may track IP address or referrer to prevent abuse of our free web service.

How to Use the QRickit API

Basic format of GET request:

Instructions: Use HTML <img> tag like example below wherever you want the QRickit QR Code(s) to appear in your web page.

<img src="

The above HTML example produces the following image (png file type):

Data: only "d" (highlighted in red) is required. This is the data to be embedded into the QR Code. The rest is optional image effects.

Example: d=https://anyurl (when scanned, mobile users can go to any URL you specify)
Example: d=anytext (when scanned, mobile users can read your text message)
Example: d=TEL:5551231234 (when scanned, mobile users can add your TEL# to their contacts and dial number)
Example: (when scanned, mobile users can add your EMAIL address to their contacts and send email)
Example: d=SMSTO:5551231234:anytext (when scanned, mobile users can add your SMS# to their contacts and send SMS message)
Example: d=<?php echo urlencode($yourdata);?> (example using PHP to specify "d")

*For non-English and special characters, URL encode your data first.

Online URL Encoder

*Remember to use "?" before first parameter.
*It is best to keep the data short. If possible use a URL shortener especially if your URL is over 100 characters long.
*For tips on using the right URL data click here.

Below are optional parameters for customization of footer text, colors, size, file type, etc.

Footer Text: addtext=Any text about 15 to 35 characters maximum depending on the size of your QR Code. In cases where data is very large, text will not fit and should not be used. Text can be URL Encoded to avoid problems with special characters. If you are using Japanese characters, then add the parameter &lang=jp.
Example: addtext=<?php echo urlencode($yourtext);?>

Example: addtext=JapaneseCharacters&lang=jp

Footer Text Color: txtcolor=The color of your footer text expressed in HTML Hex# (i.e. FFFFFF for white, 000000 for black, etc.). If nothing is specified, the default is black (000000).
txtcolor=FF0000 (click icon to find the HTML Hex# for your color)

QR Code Color: fgdcolor=The color of your QR Code expressed in HTML Hex# (i.e. FFFFFF for white, 000000 for black, etc.). If nothing is specified, the default is black (000000).
(click icon to find the HTML Hex# for your color)

Background Color: bgdcolor=The color of the background expressed in HTML Hex# (i.e. FFFFFF for white, 000000 for black, etc.). If nothing is specified, the default is white (FFFFFF).
(click icon to find the HTML Hex# for your color)

Image Size: qrsize=The image size expressed in pixels for one side only. Since it is square you don't have to specify the other side. Only numbers from 80 to 1480 inclusive are valid. If nothing is specified, the default is 150 (i.e. an image with a width of 150 pixels and a height of 150 pixels).

Image File Type: t=The type of image file to generate. The choices are PNG, JPEG or GIF file types represented as p, j and g respectively. If nothing is specified, the default is a PNG file type.
t=p (for PNG file type)
Example: t=j (for JPEG file type)
Example: t=g (for GIF file type)

Error Correction: e=The level of error correction capability. The choices are Level L (Low) 7%, Level M (Medium) 15%, Level Q (Quartile) 25%, and Level H (High) 30% represented as l, m, q, and h respectively. If nothing is specified, the default error correction level is M (Medium).
e=l (Low 7%)
Example: e=m (Medium 15%)
e=q (Quartile 25%)
e=h (High 30%)

*In short, error correction means the amount of data that can be restored if the QR Code is damaged (or partially hidden) so that it is still readable. However, the higher the error correction, the less data the QR Code can store. If you don't have a lot of data, you can select a high error correction. For most cases, M (Medium) is sufficient.

*Remember to use "&" before each optional parameter.

*If you customize the colors, test to see that your color combinations are compatible with QR Code readers. There should be enough contrast between the background and QR Code colors.

Tips on how to use the QRickit API to create different types of QR Codes

Example: How to create QR Code for Contact Info (vCard)

  • Use the QRickit QR Code Creator for Contact (vCard) to create a sample QR Code with your contact data.
  • Test it with various devices and QR Code readers to confirm it is working the way you intended.
  • Right click (or CTRL-click, Hold-click) on the QR Code image created and copy the image's URL.
  • Paste this in your text editor, etc.
  • You can see the format for your data (i.e. everything after "d=" ) to use for the QRickit API.

Please note that although most good QR Code reader apps can properly read and decode QR Codes with contact data, there are a few low-quality ones that cannot. Test your QR Code carefully with various devices before deploying or distributing.

Example format for QR Code for Contact Info (vCard)
Click here to view QR Code in web browser
* you can see the format (code) in the browser's url bar or right/hold click on QR Code image to copy the image URL (code)

Sample QRickit for vCard

The above example QR Code containts the following contact (vCard) data:
Name: John Doe
Company/Organization: ABC Co.
Title/Role: President
Mobile: 555-555-5555
Work: 555-123-1234
Note: Test
Address: Suite 451 Main St., Miami, Florida., 123456, USA

This is the code:

<img src="

Red is sample data (i.e. the parts you can change or leave empty).
Since we should urlencode the data, use + or %20 for space, %3b for a semicolon to separate things like last name and first name or address lines, %40 for @ symbol in email address.
(online url encoder) (online url decoder)
It is not necessary to add data for all parameters.

For more detailed info about the vCard format, click here..

Example: How to create QR Code for Calendar Event/Reminder
* This QR Code example is not compatible with the default calendar app (Google Calendar) on Android devices. For Android devices, simply create a calendar event in your Google Calendar account and copy the share link. Then use this link (URL) as the data (i.e. a QR Code for URL).

  • Use the QRickit QR Code Creator for Calendar Event or Reminder to create a sample QR Code with your calendar event data.
  • Test it with various devices and QR Code readers to confirm it is working the way you intended.
  • Right click (or CTRL-click, Hold-click) on the QR Code image created and copy the image's URL.
  • Paste this in your text editor, etc.
  • You can see the format for your data (i.e. everything after "d=" ) to use for the QRickit API.

Please note that not all QR Code reader apps can properly read and decode QR Codes with calendar event data. QR Codes with too much data will also be harder to read and decode for QR Code reader apps. Test your QR Code carefully with various devices before deploying or distributing.

Example format for QR Code for Calendar Event/Reminder
Click here to view QR Code in web browser
* you can see the format (code) in the browser's url bar or right/hold click on QR Code image to copy the image URL (code)

Sample QRickit for vCal

The above example QR Code containts the following event data:
Event Name: Sales Meeting
Event Location: ABC Office
Event Start Date/Time: March 1, 2022 at 9:00AM
Event End Date/Time: March 1, 2022 at 10:00AM
Repeat: Every Month
Number of Occurrences of Recurring Event: 5

This is the code:

<img src="
%0D%0ALOCATION%3AABC%20Office%0D%0A URL%3A
RRULE%3AFREQ=MONTHLY%3BINTERVAL=1%3BCOUNT=5%0D%0ABEGIN%3AVALARM%0D%0ATRIGGER%3A-PT1H%0D%0A ACTION%3ADISPLAY%0D%0AEND%3AVALARM%0D%0AEND%3AVEVENT%0D%0A &t=g&addtext=&txtcolor=000000&fgdcolor=000000&bgdcolor=FFFFFF&qrsize=200">

Red is sample data (i.e. the parts you can change or leave empty).
Since we should urlencode the data, use + or %20 for space.
(online url encoder) (online url decoder)
It is not necessary to add data for all parameters.
In the above example, the event start date/time is March 1, 2022 at 9:00AM = 202200301T090000
In the above example, the event end date/time is March 1, 2022 at 10:00AM = 202200301T120000
Use the format YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS when specifying date/time.

In the above example, there is a display reminder (alert/alarm) set to 1 hour before the event. (TRIGGER=-PT1H)
In the above example, the event repeats monthly (FREQ=MONTHLY%3BINTERVAL=1) up to 5 times (COUNT=5)

For more detailed info about this calendar format, click here.

In the above example, the event repeats monthly. Leave out FREQ if repeating event is not required.
FREQ = Frequency of repeating event.

If you want a repeating event use the following format after FREQ=

Daily: DAILY
Every 2 Days: DAILY%3BINTERVAL=2
Every 3 Days: DAILY%3BINTERVAL=3

Weekly: WEEKLY
Every 2 Weeks: WEEKLY%3BINTERVAL=2
Every 3 Weeks: WEEKLY%3BINTERVAL=3

Monthly: MONTHLY
Every 2 Months: MONTHLY%3BINTERVAL=2
Every 3 Months: MONTHLY%3BINTERVAL=3

Yearly: YEARLY
Every 2 Years: YEARLY%3BINTERVAL=2
Every 3 Years: YEARLY%3BINTERVAL=3

If you want to specify "the first Monday of every month", use %3BBDAY=1MO before %0D%0AEND


1=first ___day of the month
2=second ___day of the month
3=third ___day of the month
4=fourth ___day of the month

-1=last ___day of the month

%3BBDAY=1MO first Monday of the month
%3BBDAY=2SA second Saturday of the month
%3BBDAY=-1TH last Thursday of the month

The recurring event will occur indefinitely unless you specify COUNT or UNTIL.
COUNT=5 means the event will occur 5 times in total
UNTIL=20221201T120000 means the event will stop recurring on December 1, 2022 12:00PM
Use the format YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS when specifying date/time.

Follow similar steps to create QR Codes of different types.

Share QRickit with your Friends, Family and Colleagues!

If you find QRickit useful, please make a donation so QRickit can continue to provide this free public web service.

QRickit also offers a free QR Code API so you can dynamically generate and display QR Codes on your website and other online applications.

Learn more about QR Codes and follow QRickit on social media.

More Tips, Photos, Videos at QRickit Blog Follow QRickit on Twitter Like QRickit on Facebook


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Copyright © 2008-2025 JICS MEDIA

QR Code ® is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INC. in JAPAN and other countries.

QRickt is a free online service provided by JICS MEDIA to promote the understanding and use of QR Codes around the world.